Thursday, December 24, 2015

The New Year-New Products-New Website

We are working on a shiny new website, a big plus for both administrator and user in the coming year.  Lots of work yet, this should offer many advantages with more opportunity to add features in the future.  Less limited, the new store will allow for direct ordering from mobil devices.  Electronics change rapidly.  Its hard to keep up, but we are staying with it.

Tomahawk has several new items from Comstock Custom Cage they are looking to add to the line up over the winter, hopefully ready for spring, including the lightweight, small chimney traps we have been making here.  With some great people working to produce the Comstock line and the new 6,000 square foot addition to the factory, it's only getting better.  The power coating has been great.  

Additionally, we have new gear we are making in our small shop in New York.  The two bobcat traps have seen improvements over the past months.  Our Bi-fold door traps, for instance, now have a door made with rods, incorporating a slot for a catch pole.  These traps nest inside each other in sets of three in both single and double door models, the double door models yet another first.

Still working on new and or improved, as time permits, we hope to be able to introduce more traps and accessories to make life easier for nuisance control wildlife.

Off to set another beaver location later today, we now have caged beaver number 700 in our sights after taking more beaver in the last few weeks than expected.

Merry Christmas  

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Canadian Certification for the Comstock 12x18x39 Beaver/Otter Cage Trap

We are very proud to announce that this week marks the positive conclusion for the certification process of the Comstock Beaver Trap.  The traps were tested this fall for a period of weeks to see if they could meet the requirements of the Canadian Fur Institute.  Though we were confident that they would pass, its always a relief to get the paperwork that indicates the traps were the certified.  What this means is that the traps are now legal for use, not only in Canada, but also in Europe and Russia.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Custom Orders

We do get calls for specialty traps, like the large double door 15x24x36 Angled Powered Ring Lock Traps we just built for fox last week to be used for bobcat and fox a hunt club.   This week we are working on 10x12x40 inch beaver traps, which might make some wonder why, since we already make a 12x12.  Due to regulations, the smaller traps may be better suited for the situation as in how the traps relate to the regs, so we are more than happy to accommodate.  We used 12 gage 1x1 to make a really beefy unit.  Short doors are very powerful and snappy.

Next up we are going to make some nesting sets of bi-fold door traps that come in three sizes for bobcat, fox, etc.  At this point they are not standard production, but may end up as such, as this unique set up offers more possibilities than the guillotine door counterparts.  The bi-fold can be covered, flush mounted and has the advantage of having no parts protrude above or outside of the cage box itself to catch or hang up on brush.

Of course the Powered Ring Lock traps for bobcats and fox can be made in just about any size required.