Sunday, September 29, 2013

"When I said nothing gets by the panel trigger I meant it!! Luke"
Although not recommended for mice, it can happen in a 5 x 5 x 24 Comstock Swing Panel double door  trap!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Jim, I'm absolutely loving my new squirrel cages.  The panel trigger gets them every time!  I wasn't sure about the nose cone at first, but now prefer one over wings. I've been hammering the ground squirrels and chipmunks with a positive set over their holes.  They also work great with one door down and use of bait.  Besides a few older traps I have, I am now using almost exclusively your cages. Thanks again for producing such a superior product!  Luke Pennington"

Saturday, September 21, 2013

With powered doors and a wire trigger, even larger animals are being taken in the shortest double door traps available.  Though not recommended for raccoons, 18 inch double door traps with a 9x11 opening take raccoons with regularity.  Above is a 15 pound 'coon in the 18 inch trap taken by Tim in Ohio.

Likewise, the 24 inch double door traps easily take armadillos as Dusty in Arkansas found out.  Armadillos also have been caught in 18 inch traps on accession, again not the recommended size.  The 24 inch traps have replaced traps that were 36 to 48 inches in length, making setting easier and faster, while allowing the shorter traps to be placed where the larger traps would not fit.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Beaver Set using Castor

Above photo shows the last step in making a beaver castor set with beaver gland lure placed at waters edge for maximum attraction at a castor set for beaver.  (Note: Small area of expanding oily film lying on top of the water.)

This photo shows a completed castor set in its entirety, lure at bottom center with Beaver Comstock Cage Trap covered at top center.  Lure is shown with oily film on the surface and Comstock Beaver Cage submerged above, well hidden  under grass in the narrowed area created with logs on both sides of the opening.  This set was made on the edge of pond where a small channel and crawl out existed.  These sets can be placed virtually anywhere where there is either a natural or man made narrowing.  The cage traps are generally set in just over a foot of water, though a few inches deeper or shallower will not detract from the effectiveness.  A distinct advantage to this type of trapping is that there is no sign left for trappers or anyone to find and there are few limitations in where it can be made.  There is no wire, no stabilizing sticks or focal point for passers by to discern.  In a cage, even the catch is out of sight.  Unlike guillotine door cage traps with doors that protrude well above the trap in plain sight for all to see, this trap with power hinged doors that remain under waster, can be set in high traffic areas, completely undetectable.